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ARDA Management Committee

President Christopher Heyworth, QLD ARDA.President@gmail.com
Vice President Helen Hodalj, NSW ARDA.VicePres@gmail.com
Secretary Bev MacLachlan, QLD ARDA.Secretary@gmail.com
Treasurer Anna-Lee Hodalj, NSW ARDA.Treasurer@gmail.com
Education Officer Paula & Warwick Armstrong, QLD ARDA.Education@gmail.com

ARDA General Committee

Editor Carol Simondson, VIC ARDA.NewsEditor@gmail.com
Historian Christopher Heyworth, QLD ARDA.Historian@gmail.com
Records Officer Anna-Lee Hodalj, NSW ARDA.Records@gmail.com
Minute Secretary Warwick Armstrong, QLD
Facebook Administrator Anna-Lee Hodalj, NSW

Please direct all enquiries through the ARDA Secretary - ARDA.Secretary@gmail.com

Website updates, comments and contributions to Tony McDonald at web@rounddancing.org.au

ARDA stands committed to the ongoing education and support to its members, all round dancers and the future of round dancing


QRDA Gala Ball
Saturday 19 October 2024
Logan City Square Dance Centre
161A Magnesium Drive

2025 ARDA Conference
3-5 July 2025
Registration Form

ARDA Newsletter
March 2024

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