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Cue Sheets

Here are links to cue sheets for dances on the National Dance List and for dances
choreographed by Australian choreographers. Also included are cue sheets for some of the dances that have been removed from the National Dance List as part of the regular reviews of the list.

Cue Sheets for National Dance List dances are the ARDA approved standardised cue sheets
and are in .rtf format ready to load into DanceMaster or for printing.

Full cue sheets in .pdf format are provided for the Australian choreographed dances.

Cue sheets from the National Convention Dance List

Cue sheets from Australian Choreographers

Cue sheets for Removed Dances


QRDA Round Dance Matinee
Saturday 17 August 2024
Logan City Square Dance City
161A Magnesium Drive

19th SA Round Dance Festival
13-15 September 2024
Blackwood Memorial Hall
21 Coromandel Parade
Dancer Registration
Cuer Registration

2025 ARDA Conference
3-5 July 2025

ARDA Newsletter
March 2024